Wholly Yours Ministries is a ministry of action, and we generally have several projects going on at any given time. Please take a couple minutes and check out what we've been up to lately. As always, thanks for your continued prayer and financial support!
If you've read our blogs, you're aware we requested funds for bibles recently. We're very happy to report that we received enough funds for around forty bibles. Below are some pictures of a baptism and bible distribution by Muwanguzi Yazidi, our brother in the Lord and minstry partner. Muwanguzi attends Malugulya Christian Center Church located in Bwiiza parish, Namasagali Subcounty, Kamuli District in Uganda (located on the banks of the Nile river). Included in the baptism and bible distribution pictures below are some from our visit there in September last year. Muwanguzi is very active in reaching out to the community and we were able to supply him eight bibles of the thirteen bibles he needed. Each family received one bible that they can share among the family. We look forward to continuing our partnership with brother Muwanguzi to help him reach that community in the future. Muwanguzi has a pure heart and loves Jesus and he's always evangelizing. We love Muwanguzi!

A while back we requested funds to build a playground for LightStar Academy in Mumias Kenya, ran by Director Michael Wanzala. While we haven't yet met our goal, we did receive enough funds to buy soccer balls and end goals. This is an ongoing project and we'd like to be able to provide swings, slides, a basketball goal and some appropriate ground cover. Enjoy the pics below. Director of Wholly Yours Ministries - Africa, Athanus Atimbo really enjoyed delivering them and giving them some valuable soccer lessons. Ahtanus is a natural, when it comes to sports and playing soccer.

We were able to buy some much needed teaching materials for the children's department at House of Winners Worship Center in Mumias. This will really help the children learn more about Jesus. We are now in need of a white board.

As part of our sustainability program, we provided seeds and labor to sow maize. This will provide much needed food and will also provide enough to sell for additional income. This is part of our "Love in Action" program. There are two annual growing seasons in Kenya.

Wholly Yours Ministries is fully dependent upon contributions for our projects and would appreciate your gift of even the smallest amount to help us. We have an ongoing need for bibles as these are distributed as we reach out and there is a great need for bibles in the native languages. Other needs we have, and would appreciate you praying for provision for, are outdoor speakers, amplifier, a keyboard, microphones, a large screen, and funds for a metal platform. All these items are needed for us to preach outdoors and share Christ with the communities. We also have an ongoing need for funding for medical needs, social needs and educational needs for those we minister to.
If you're able to give, God bless you, and no gift is too small. We are a 501c3 non-profit and your donations are tax deductible per IRS guidelines. You can give through the link on our website (wholly-yours.com), through PayPal account whollyoursministries@gmail.com, CashApp account $WYM59, or send through the mail to Wholly Yours Ministries 483 Oak Hill St. NE, Abingdon, Va. 24210. You can also send me an email if you prefer a different method of getting your donation to us, and we'll work it out.
Thanks so much for being a part of Wholly Yours Ministries. We need you!
Wholly Yours in Christ,
Rev. Paul Havens
Wholly Yours Ministries
Founder and President
All glory to Jesus.