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Paul Havens

Hurricane Helene; Adopt-A-Family

As you all know, Wholly Yours Ministries is an international ministry, and most of my blog posts deal with our missions in Kenya and Uganda. This blog post is different though, because this blog post is about the local area in which I live, and the areas that were so horribly devastated by Hurrican Helene on September 29th, the southwestern part of the United States.

In light of this disaster and the level of wide-spread devastation, several local people contacted us with an idea. The idea was to set up a program called Adopt-A-Family, whereby giving individuals, families, churches and business organizations, an opportunity to help flood victims. Rather than just help the families in the short term, this program was to be designed to help them in the long term, long after the immediate help dissipates.

We, along with a whole team of individuals, church leaders and business owners, immediately started the ball rolling to set up this program. This was a combined effort of many individuals, church leaders, and business owners; too many to name. These individuals were not, and are not, looking for any sort of notoriety or credit, they just realized a need and knew something needed to be done and wanted to help.

We are very happy to announce that the Adopt-A-Family program is up and running, thanks to the combined effort of many! This combining or coming together to help others, really characterizes the people of Appalachia and those who came from many different states to help. It really showed unity that we rarely see or experience and also showcased the strong faith in Jesus that so many have. It wasn't the government that came in first to help, but it was individuals, businesses and churches!

Below is a flyer providing information about the Adopt-A-Family program and we would love for you to get involved in some way, whether in actually adopting a family or just volunteering. Adopting a family may seem like a big task, but when you adopt a family, you're not alone in the endeavor, you're merely helping them get resources they need to get back on their feet. Most of the resources are readily available and the weCONNECT team will help identify the resources, connect you with them, and connect you with volunteers to do those things you can't.

Also, it's almost tax time, and you may have resources that you can donate and get a tax break. We received a call from someone today that is donating a camper for someone in need of housing. Wholly Yours Ministries is a 501c3 non-profit, so items donated are tax deductible under IRS guidelines. When you donate, you not only get the benefit of helping others, but you're also benefiting. Perhaps you have a mobile home, a house, a car or something else to donate that will help jumpstart a family's recovery in a big way. Many, many people lost EVERYTHING, even loved ones. Many are at square one, first base, and are starting over from scratch. We must help them! If you have anything that you're not using that may help someone else, now is the time to donate it. Also consider giving financially or buying items that are currently needed and bringing to us. If you're sending a check, please send to Wholly Yours Ministries, 483 Oak Hill St. NE, Abingdon VA, 24210 and make it payable to Wholly Yours Ministries or WYM.

We have added an Adopt-A-Family page to our website, There is a "Support Us" page on the website as well with information on how to give and it's also included in the attached flyer. You may also contact us at (276) 274--6374 for more information or for drop off locations.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Wholly Yours in Christ

Rev. Paul Havens

Wholly Yours Ministries

Founder and President

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